Classic Horror Comics Vol. 6

We've unearthed some more little horrors for Volume 6 of Classic Horror Comics! Starting with Fantastic Comics #10, a hush falls over the audience as the lights dim ... steady now... for when the curtain rises "Fate Laughs at Clowns!" Eerie Tales #10 you better not miss the secret of "Dr. Hill's Lab!" In issue #11 The Purple Claw encounters a creepy old man that turns into a huge "Death Flower" at night that lives in the Florida swamps and feasts on human flesh. Issue #12 tempts us with another terrible secret, this time of "The Pit." And finally #15 asks where did if come from - what was it that caused the strange happenings-what was "The Unknown Presence?'"

Collects Fantastic Comics #10 (Nov/Dec 1954) and Eerie Tales #10-12 and #15 (1963-1964).