Deadpool #29
An Original Sin Tie-In! The shocking truth about Deadpool's family comes to light, and everything you thought you knew about the Merc With the Mouth is about to change. Nobody knows the full story of Deadpool's origin, or what happened to his family - even Wade himself. Manipulated at the hands of Butler and the brutal Weapon Plus program, Wade Wilson was transformed into the indestructible killing machine known as Deadpool. But there is more to the story. Before being fully indoctrinated by Butler's offshoot of Weapon Plus once and for all, all ties to Wade's past had to be severed. Now, thanks to the energies of The Watcher's all-seeing eyes, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Adsit and Preston have uncovered the terrible secret of Deadpool's family. And the shocking truth about their fate will shake you to your core! What horrors lay in Deadpool's past? And what will happen if they come to light? The earth-shattering truth about Deadpool's family and their gruesome fate stand revealed!