Traveling to Mars #10 (10 Copy Meli Virgin Cover)

Intended for mature audiences


Best New Series: Traveling to Mars, by Mark Russell and Roberto Meli (Ablaze)

Best Writer: Mark Russell, Traveling to Mars (Ablaze), One-Star Squadron, Superman: Space Age (DC); The Incal: Psychoverse (Humanoids)

"One of my favorite books. I can't recommend it enough."

"If you're a fan of The Martian or Not All Robots, then you'll want to check out Traveling to Mars"

"Thoughtful, meaningful, caring story "

"a series that's going to not just deliver some laughs but also very well might tug at heart strings."

"It's beautiful. It's smart and intelligent, quirky and humorous. It delicately holds all those wonderful nuances fans of Russell's writing will quickly recognize, but it all feels elevated as if it were dogma. The art is equally brilliant."

Cover Illustrator
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