Jack of Fables #50
Intended for mature audiences
This is it! This is where it all happens! You've been waiting - nay, pining - for this 50th issue of JACK OF FABLES, and, brother, who could blame you? Does Jack Frost slay Jack Dragon? Does Jack Dragon eat his own kid? Will the Page Sisters rebuild the Great Library? Will Gary finally get to sing a show tune on Broadway? We don't know, because its contents are so secret, even WE aren't allowed to read it, but they tell us that the answers to all these questions will be provided. It's oversized, with extra pages, extra action, extra drama, and extra Babe, the Miniature Blue Ox! And you have our personal guarantee that not every single character will die! Oh, and one more small thing we should mention - it's the final issue of the series. Enjoy!