Color Your Own Cerebus in Hell?
It's the 15th Anniversary tribute to indy comics legends, Possum At Large and Flyboy and the first Aardvark-Vanaheim Adult Colouring Book! Featuring How To Color! Legal threat from Mark Zuckerburg! How to keep your vagina "kissing fresh"! SuperCerebus' Super-GPS! Infernal Realms Eisner Awards! Cerebus declares himself a Blockchain Crypto-Currency! And writes a new book, The HandM.A.I.D.'s Tale! The Pre-Christian Philosophers' Union Local 658 discusses "High-Resolution Colour Photos of Botched Celebrity Boob Jobs"! The Sacred "Oracle of Omaha"! Pushing The Whore of Babylon's Inner Gwyneth Paltrow button! The concussion grenade in the minotaur's shower stall!