Color Your Own Cerebus in Hell?

It's the 15th Anniversary tribute to indy comics legends, Possum At Large and Flyboy and the first Aardvark-Vanaheim Adult Colouring Book! Featuring How To Color! Legal threat from Mark Zuckerburg! How to keep your vagina "kissing fresh"! SuperCerebus' Super-GPS! Infernal Realms Eisner Awards! Cerebus declares himself a Blockchain Crypto-Currency! And writes a new book, The HandM.A.I.D.'s Tale! The Pre-Christian Philosophers' Union Local 658 discusses "High-Resolution Colour Photos of Botched Celebrity Boob Jobs"! The Sacred "Oracle of Omaha"! Pushing The Whore of Babylon's Inner Gwyneth Paltrow button! The concussion grenade in the minotaur's shower stall!

Cover Illustrator