Cinema Purgatorio #2 (Ancient Tome Premium Cover)
Intended for mature audiences
Welcome once again to the theatre of the macabre!
Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill are your hosts as the finest creators in all of comics join us in an anthology to end all anthologies.
Cinema Purgatorio is the ongoing monthly series which brings together the powerhouse creators to tell stories that only Avatar Press could.
These tales claw into your brain and nest there as you attempt to recover from the horrors you've witnessed.
Illustrated in stark moody black & white, every page of this series is filled with visions from the minds of your favorite creators.
Every issue is perfect-bound, with no ads, and all of the works are very long-form, there are no collections planned before 2018. Jump in now and embrace the new future of comics.
The one of which Alan Moore has always dreamed.
It's here, now. Hiding in the dark corner.
Welcome to Cinema Purgatorio.
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