Stitched: Terror (Horrified Original Art Box Set)

Intended for mature audiences

Each Set comes with a unique original 7 x 10 gore sketch painting by Jonatas! This set is a complete set of all the STITCHED: TERROR HORRIFIED editions on #1, #2, and 3! Each HORRIFIED issue has an eight page added section that is not seen in the regular versions, nor will this content be available in any digital editions. These special bonus pages feature unedited, ultra-intense versions of covers, dripping with gore, nudity, and the extreme versions we had to edit for the covers. These are the pure, viseral versions of the artists, never-before-seen! Horrified are made even cooler by their extreme rarity - only 1000 copies in total on each of the three issues have these extra pages! This set has all twelve of the Horrified editions that exist with killer original covers by Daniel Gete and Renato Camilo as well as Century covers by Nahuel Lopez! The finishing touch - Each set comes with a unique original 7 x 10 gore sketch painting by Jonatas! These are not sketch covers, these are single page, unique, original paintings. Randomly included are many of the original pieces that were used as interior pages for the series!
