The Graphic Canon Vol. 1: From Gilgamesh to Dangerous Liasons

This gorgeous, one-of-a-kind trilogy brings classic literatures of the world together with legendary graphic artists and illustrators. From a rarely seen R. Crumb rendering of James Boswell's London Journal to a manga Macbeth, there are more than 130 literary works, reinterpreted here for readers and collectors of all ages. Volume 1 whirls us from eye-popping renditions of the great epics Gilgamesh, The Odyssey (in water colors by Gareth Hinds), The Divine Comedy, and The Canterbury Tales (the latter two by legendary illustrator and graphic designer Seymour Chwast), to Robert Crumb's rarely seen adaptation of James Boswell's London Journal, filled with philosophical debate and lowbrow debauchery.
